Innovation paths

Maureen Devlin reflects on how her thinking and work in education has dramatically changed in recent years.

I no longer create a static system for students to follow and obey, instead I create paths of learning–fluid paths of exploration, discovery, voice and practice that build students’ skill, knowledge and concept foundation while also offering students real-time opportunities to develop communication, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration skills and understanding.

These new learning paths leave room for spontaneous challenge, innovation and change.  We begin the paths with the creation of goals and vision, then as we meander down the learning path we stop repeatedly to look back, analyze, revise and move forward again

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Great ideas in Canadian Education

Stephen Hurley features videos from the Learning Partnership featuring thoughts and interviews on public education. Michael Fullan in the video mentions that in Ontario they do not just want to work with isolated state of the art innovative schools but more closely embedded with all systems.

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What does it mean to be open online?

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, recently addressed the World Wide Web conference on the subject of being open online.

She mentions that she received a pair of handcuffs in the mail. She believes that openness can improve lives through greater access to information and how the development of open standards can promote innovation.

For me, openness means giving every person a forum in which they can express themselves. Every creator a way to be rewarded and recognised for their work. The security that ensures liberty for all. And services that transparently provide the consumer with what they’ve asked for and pay for.

Innovation can deliver all of these, giving choice and opportunity to all. Let’s really be open, and allow that innovation to happen

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