Professor Yashwant RAMMA in Le Mauricien writes about the changes and how they might impact students in Mauritius, noting that the majority of ICT use in schools has been mostly PowerPoint. He looks at contextual knowledge, pedagogy and technology – noting that concepts across different areas of knowledge are not connected in teaching areas.

Technology can serve the purpose of helping learners make sense out of nonsense (all the stuff they have to study). We should not forget that a classroom is composed of learners of different abilities, normally categorized in three groups: low, average and high abilities. This means that a teacher can expect that learning will occur if only he/she engages learners…

There is also a fascinating discussion in the comments questioning the impact of technologies in learning in other parts of the world and what is the value.

In full


2 thoughts on “TEACHING AND LEARNING USING TECHNOLOGY : Lessons to be learnt

  1. The article again raises some of the ever-present problems with technologically-based learning. On the question of pedagogy, I think some element of it is imperative to avoid the lack of disciplined application which results from too much participative tuition – the very thing which the writer is bemoaning the lack of.

  2. It’s interesting to see the use of PowerPoint being referred to as a large use of technology in learning. The discussion also raises points about where technology can help with either a how or what of learning or whether the two are exclusive.

    There has been an interesting project running led by Diana Laurillard – with pattern tools to try out : https://sites.google.com/a/lkl.ac.uk/ldse/Home

    By too much participative did you mean that if it’s too centred on learner choices in their level of participation in their chosen topic or concepts – then they cannot achieve something desired within a desired timescale – by their institution, society, economy?

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