

keyboards,monitors,computers,CPUs,technology,offices,internet,communicationI am not a digital native by any means. I am 52 years old and have been teaching for 27 years. I am the teacher people assume is scared to touch a computer for fear of contracting a virus.  I am the teacher they assume has dust gathering on the classroom computers like moss on a stone.I am the teacher they assume says playfully, “I have to get my grandson, nephew, niece, to open my email.” I am the teacher people assume still uses the overhead. I am none of these, and young or old, no teacher should be.  This is the 21st century and our students are 21st century digital learners!

About ten years ago, I took a course in instructional technology and fell in love. There is absolutely no way I could go back to teaching the way I used to.  I realize I am fortunate.  I teach in a school with laptops…

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Technophobia has no place in education

A recent article in the tes looks at how mobile and computing devices have historically been banned which reinforces an older model of education where the teacher churns out teaching and collaboration is restricted. The author mentions a school where they are investigating use of devices on an individual basis but the devices will not be allowed outside of the school itself, restricting learning within a specific environment and context. He notes the need for real change for learner autonomy in the future:
